
Compilation units

A Blech program may be split into multiple files: a program file and so-called module files. The purpose of modules is to encapsulate the implementation of a certain aspect (functionality) in a given software project.

Both a program file and a module file have the .blc extension. However a file representing the program must contain an entry point activity . There must not be a module declaration in a program file.

Vice versa, a module file will declare a module (see below) and must not contain an entry point.

This difference is best understood when looking at the compilation results. The compilation of the program file produces C code with an init and a tick function which form the API towards the environment. Additionally, the compilation result of a Blech program will also contain a context data structure which contains all program counters and local variables of that program.

A Blech module, by contrast, is supposed to be used by some Blech program or another module. Therefore all its activities reply on context information passed on from the caller.


A Blech module is a .blc file. Modules cannot span several files nor can a file contain several modules. A module constitutes a name space within which various declarations may appear. All declarations within a module are visible. In particular, implementations details such as the fields of a structure are visible.

By contrast, no declaration is visible outside the module unless it is explicitly exposed.

Thus modules are a mechanism to encapsulate code, provide an API for it and hide implementation details from client code.

Module ::= "module" ["exposes" IdentifierList] DeclarationList
IdentifierList ::= Identifier ["," IdentifierList]
DeclarationList ::= "" | StructDeclaration | DataDeclaration | ProgramDeclaration

Note that the module itself has no identifier. Client code which uses this module will find it by its file name and give it some local name when importing the module.

Also, remember that the qualifiers let and var must not appear on the top-level scope - no globals in Blech.

Example of a module:

module exposes initialise, push, average

const Size: nat8 = 10

struct RingBuffer
    var buffer: [Size]nat32
    var nextIndex: nat8
    var count: nat8

/// returns an initialisation value for a ring buffer
function initialise () returns RingBuffer
    return { nextIndex = 0, count = 0 }

/// pushes a new value to the ring buffer
/// displaces the "oldest" value if the ring buffer is full
function push (value: nat32) (rb: RingBuffer)
    rb.buffer[rb.nextIndex] = value
    rb.nextIndex = rb.nextIndex + 1
    if rb.count == Size then // ringbuffer is completely filled
        rb.nextIndex = rb.nextIndex % Size
        rb.count = rb.count + 1

/// calculates the average value of all values stored in the ring buffer
function average (rb: RingBuffer) returns nat32
    var idx: nat8 = 0
    var avg: nat32 = 0
    while idx < rb.count repeat
        avg = avg + rb.buffer[idx]
    return avg / rb.count

This module encapsulates the implementation of a ring buffer. The ring buffer is represented by the RingBuffer structure that holds a buffer of fixed size. Three functions are implemented to initialise the buffer, add values to it, and calculate the average over all values currently stored in the ring buffer. The module exposes the functions initialise, push and average to client code that will use this module. However it hides the size of the buffer and the details of its data structure because Size and RingBuffer do not appear in the list of exposed names. The name RingBuffer is implicitly visible outside as the name of an opaque type, see below.


The compiler translates a Blech module into C code. But it also automatically generates a signature which is saved under the same name but with a .blh extension. Signatures are never manually written by the software developer.

A signature describes the API of the module. It contains the explicitly exposed constants, types and procedure prototypes. Furthermore implicitly exported names of types, singletons or procedures are listed. Finally, imports that are necessary to use the exposed procedures also appear in the signature.

Signatures are used by the compiler when compiling client code. The compiler in principle does not need to have the sources of imported sub-modules, instead all semantic checks can be done using the signatures only. In the future, this allows to pre-compile modules into object files for a target platform and ship those object files together with the signature files to the customer. Since Blech programs cannot be imported in other .blc files, no signatures are generated for them.

Types which are not explicitly exposed by a module but are used by some exposed function or activity appear in the signature as opaque (or abstract) types. Opaque types only have a name but do not reveal their inner implementation details. The declaration of the name is required by the client code so that it can “pass around” values of the opaque types between procedures even though the content cannot be accessed directly.

Here is an example of the generated signature for the module in the previous section.


type RingBuffer

/// returns an initialisation value for a ring buffer
function initialise () returns RingBuffer

/// pushes a new value to the ring buffer
/// displaces the "oldest" value if the ring buffer is full
function push (value: nat32) (rb: RingBuffer)

/// calculates the average value of all values stored in the ring buffer
function average (rb: RingBuffer) returns nat32

The type RingBuffer was not exposed by the module but it is used by the exposed functions. For instance, it is the return type of the exposed function initialise. Therefore the type name RingBuffer appears in the signature. The annotation @[StructType] is not part of the Blech language but merely a hint to the C code generator.

Furthermore, signatures contain import declarations (see below ) that are necessary to use this module. This is the case when, for example, an exposed function uses a type from an imported module. Then, in order to declare a prototype of this function in the signature, an import is required to access the type name.

Finally, signatures also declare opaque singletons. These are the names of procedures which are singletons themselves, not explicitly exposed, but used in exposed procedures.


module exposes f

singleton x
@[CFunction (binding = "foo()", header = "bar.h")]
extern singleton function y ()

singleton [x] function f()

Accordingly, the signature contains an opaque singleton y without specifying that it was an (external) function.


singleton x

@[CFunction(binding = "foo()", header = "bar.h")]
singleton y

singleton [x, y] function f ()

Also note, how the declaration of f contains the full list of singletons that it depends on.


A module needs to be imported by the down stream client code if the latter want to use the exposed members.

Following our previous ring buffer example, its usage might look like this:

import rb "/data_structures/ringbuffer"

module exposes SlidingAverage 

param Threshold: nat32 = 10000 // Application parameter

/// Calculates the average of the latest values in every tick
/// Values outside a fixed threshold are ignored.
activity SlidingAverage (value: nat32) (average: nat32)
    var buf: rb.RingBuffer = rb.initialise() 
        if value <= Threshold then
        average = rb.average(buf)
        await true

Here we assume that in the root / of the current project there is a data_structures folder which contains a ringbuffer.blc module file. (The extension is omitted on purpose). In order to use its exposed members the local name rb is introduced. Now we can refer to the opaque data type rb.RingBuffer or the functions rb.initialise etc…

Formally, the import declaration is as follows:

Import ::= "import" ["internal"] Identifier QUOTE ImportPath QUOTE ["exposes" IdentifierList] 
ImportPath ::= ["/" | "../"+] Path
Path ::= Identifier ["/" Identifier]*

Import paths

There are three kinds of import paths according to this grammar:

  1. the path starts with an identifier
  2. the path starts with ../
  3. the path starts with /

In the example above we have see case 3. The slash indicates the root of the project. It is set by the --project-dir compiler flag.

Case 1 is a path that starts in the same directory as the file that contains this code.

Case 2 refers to a module which is a parent or sibling in the file system. Note that the path may start several levels above the current file "../"+ but must not leave the project directory.

In the future there will be a possibility to import (pre-compiled) packages. Ideas can be found in our blog . Note: the current IDE implementation assumes that the open file being edited is located in the project root. This is a simplification that will be corrected in the future. This means that the IDE does not support ../ paths.

Exposing imported names

The import statement may expose some names directly to the client code. This makes those names available in the same namespace as the client code without using the given local name prefix.


import Math "libs/utils/math" exposes pi

Assuming pi is a name declared in the referenced module, the client code can access this name not only as Math.pi but also as pi directly.

Whitebox imports

Finally, an import can be declared as internal. Internal imports behave as if all declarations were exposed by the imported module. Of course, this only works if the original Blech source code is available. This breaks the information hiding mechanisms and should not be used to circumvent them. Instead this feature is useful for writing unit tests that rely on implementation details not visible outside the tested module. Internal imports allow to separate test code from production code without the need to expose implementation details merely for testing purposes.

All import statements adhere to three simple rules:

  • no self import
  • no circular import
  • no double import